Welcome to The Forgotten and Obscure

Welcome to The Forgotten and Obscure, where we visit and revisit the music of new places and forgotten spaces!

The Forgotten and Obscure does not advance any specific agenda or cause other than to play music you rarely – if ever – hear. Some of what you’ll hear on The Forgotten and Obscure is seldom found in catalogs or playlists, and in some instances never made the transition over from vinyl.

In addition, we will also be speaking about forgotten shows and movies.

The Forgotten and Obscure explores places and themes, examining genres and cultures. Part of what we also do is offer a brief background on the artists and music you’re hearing as each song has a story to tell. This blog serves as a launch point for the podcast with the same name, “The Forgotten and the Obscure”; simply click on the link for each blog posting to hear the specific podcast.

We will also (where applicable) suggest links for you see find the movies and shows we review as well.

The format of this show is very simple. Unlike other shows, we do not break the music. What we do is briefly speak about the theme of the show, list the artists and the songs names and (briefly) speak about that artists themselves. Once done, the music will play nonstop for your listening enjoyment.

We also welcome any comments or suggestions you may have, but please give us some time to respond to your emails. We’re an operation with very limited resources.

We look forward to visiting and revisit the music of new places and forgotten spaces into new realms of sound – and vision.

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